
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Wristblade and Bullet Time


Just like it says, combining these two together creates a powerhouse move that you might not appreciate until you do it the first time.

Wristblade is a relic that adds +3 HP damage to any zero-cost (0) card.  Bullet time is a card that makes all cards in your hand cost zero (0).  See the beauty here?

This works pretty much only with the Silent, but creates an ass whooping combination that can let you take out opponents and Bosses in one turn if you do it properly.

Obviously you want to do this with a full hand, e.g, 9 cards plus Bullet Time.  The important thing to remember is to use any of your drawing cards first, since Bullet Time will prevent card draws from your deck, but it won't stop cards you add into your hand!


  • Wristblade relic, obviously.  Already explained above.
  • Bullet Time card.  Costs 3/2 energy and makes everything in your hand cost zero but you can't draw any more cards.

Card Synergy

  • A Thousand Cuts does 1/2 HP damage for every card played.
  • After Image provides 1 Block for each card played.
  • Blade Dance card adds 2/3 Shivs into your hand.
  • Burst card will play the next skill twice; the next two skills when upgraded.
  • Choke card does 12 HP and 3/5 HP damage for every card played afterwards.
  • Cloak and Dagger card provides block and 1/2 Shivs into your hand.
  • Envenom card inflicts a poison per unblocked attack.
  • Finisher card provides an additional coup de grace to this approach.  Play all your attacks in your hand and then polish them off with the Finisher card.
  • Malaise card will let you take any left over energy and apply it as a STR debuff as well as apply Weak.
  • Transmutation [Colorless] card lets you take advantage of left over energy and place that many cards into your hand that, you guessed it, cost ZERO (0).

Relic Synergy

  • Bag of Marbles -- Just so your enemies are vulnerable on the first turn.  Allows you to do more damage right off that bat without playing a card.
  • Dead Branch -- adds a new card into your hand for any card exhausted.
  • Ice Cream -- Just to carry over any unused energy into the next hand.
  • Kunai --Just for the bonus DEX gained after playing three attacks.
  • Prismatic Shard -- just to get the full spectrum of cards.  If you can add Anger [IronClad] card into your deck, then this really beings to shine hard as it adds a copy each time played.
  • Shuriken -- Just for the bonus strength gained after playing three attacks.
  • Warped Tongs -- Just for the random card upgrade when you make a draw that turn.

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