
Monday, June 10, 2019

Keeping temporary effects for a combat

This works with some potion and card boost effects only.

Tested On

  • Steroid Potion that provides a temporary +5 STR
  • Speed Potion that provides a temporary +5 DEX
  • Flex Card that provides a temporary 2/4 STR
  • Wraith Forms debuff can be negated by an artifact.
  • Biased Cognition debuff can be negated by an artifact.

Action Sequence

  • Take a potion or use a card with a temporary bonus.
  • Make sure you have an artifact equipped by the end of the turn;
  • Alternatively, make sure you use the Orange Pellets relic to remove the debuff.


  • Requires you to have an artifact active on your character before the turn ends, negating the debuff that would remove the effect.

Card Synergy

  • Core Surge [Defect].  Does damage and provides an artifact.
  • Panacea [Colorless].  Provides 1/2 Artifact

Relic Synergy

  • Mutagenic Strength relic provides a +3 STR bonus for the first round of combat.  It can also be exploited the same way to keep the STR for the full combat.
  • Orange Pellets can remove any debuff on your after you play a power, skill and attack card combination.  Its one of the simplest ways to manage keeping temp bonuses.

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