
Monday, June 24, 2019

Innate Deck


Innate deck works best with a Silent, though the other two can see some benefits of a strong innate hand.  It just requires them to leverage the two colorless cards to make it effective.

The core of an innate deck is to get 10 innate cards together.  An innate card doesn't give you an extra draw, so if you only draw 5 cards, it replaces one of those cards.  If you have more than 5 cards, then each innate card ends up in your hand until you hit the 10 card cap.

If you have more than 10 innate cards, then they roll over into your next draw.


A quick note on Bottled Relics (see below).  Each of these ADD a specified card to your starting hand each combat.  Note, however, that they add cards in AFTER your draw occurs, so if you have 10+ innate cards, they might not make it into your hand.


  • This is an attackers deck, so you want to do as much damage with your opening hand as possible.  
    • Zero cost innate cards are king with this style of play.  Dramatic Entrance does 6/8 HP damage to ALL enemies and its boosted by STR.  If you have an STR boost on turn one or can take a potion, you can blast all enemies for solid damage.  Especially if you have several of these.
    • Another high damage winner is Mind blast, especially if you have a good sized deck.  Mind Blast cost 2/1, so having 1 or 2 of these in your innate draw is powerful.  Two of them with a deck of 25 or more can take out most single met foes and three can take out most elites alone.  If you have the Necronomicon relic, the non upgraded version of Mind Blast will be played twice.
  • Silent
    • After Image combined with Backstab, Dramatic Entrance and Mind Blast make for a killer combination.  You get to do a ton of damage right off the cuff and get Block for it.
    • As a power starter, having multiple Infinite Blades provides you a strong second turn, especially if you also have Shiv upgrades or the Wristblade relic to bump their damage.
  • Defect
    • The innate cards for the Defect are setup for cold, so filling and cycling through a bunch of Frost is easily possible.
    • If you add in Storm, especially multiples of the card, you can cycle through a couple of powers rapidly to load up on Lightning.  If you have the mummified hand relic, it will make a random card cost (0) this turn for each power, allowing you to effectively play an entire hand rapidly.  

Colorless Cards

  • Dramatic Entrance -- Zero cost card that does 6/8 to ALL enemies.
  • Mind Blast -- Costs 2/1 but does damage equal to your deck to one enemy.


  • Brutality (after upgrade)  -- zero cost card that at the start of your turn, lose 1 HP and draw 1 card.


  • After Image (after upgrade) -- This puts a ton of block in your hand and is useful.
  • Backstab -- Does 11/14 HP damage.
  • Infinite Blades (after upgrade) -- Puts a shiv in your hand each turn.


  • Chill (after upgrade) -- Zero cost card that will channel 1 Frost for every enemy in combat.  Exhausts.
  • Storm (after upgrade) -- Whenever you play a power, channel 1 Lightning.

Relic Synergy

  • Bottled Flame -- This adds a selected (at time of receiving the relic) Attack into your hand.
  • Bottled Lighting -- This adds a selected (at time of receiving the relic) Skill into your hand.
  • Bottled Storm --This adds a selected (at time of receiving the relic) Power into your hand.
  • Enchiridion -- This relic gets a shout out because it adds a random Power into your hand at the start of combat, similar to innate cards.
  • Nilry's Codex -- This relic gets a shout out because it lets you select from three cards at teh end of your turn to add to your draw pile.

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