
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Endless Potions


Pretty simple: a process to endlessly create potions.  This works best with the Silent, though the Ironclad can make this process work as well if you can put your hands on an Alchemize card.  Defect requires two cards not of their color to make it work.


  • Alchemize [Silent].  This card costs 1/0 and provides you with a potion.

Silent Card

  • Nightmare [Silent].  This card puts three copies of a card in your hand next turn.

IronClad Card

  • Dual Wield [IronClad].  This adds 1/2 versions of the card into your hand that turn.

Relic Synergy

  • Runic Pyramid makes it so you don't discard your hand each turn.  Useful to keep the Alchemize card in your hand before you duplicate it.
  • Potion Belt gives you five (5) slots for potions.
  • Prismatic Shard lets you get cards of different colors in rewards.  Useful for trying to pick up the right combination of cards to make this work.
  • Toy Ornithopter lets you heal 5 HP when you drink a potion.

General Strategy

Use Nightmare or Dual Wield on the Alchemize card.  Both of these cards are skills and repeatable.  Keep at least one copy of Alchemize in your hand to duplicate as you move through your deck and gain access to it again.

Artifact Strategy

  • If you have an artifact on and take a potion that provides a temporary buff and a debuff to remove it, the artifact nullifies the debuff.
  • You can leverage STR and DEX buffs this way and also drink a Snecko potion and gain benefit from healing (with Toy Ornithopter) without the confusion.


  • Make sure you have room for a new potion.  Nothing is worse than finally getting this combo to work and then realizing that you screwed up and didn't drink a potion to clear a spot first.
  • This can help if you have the Coffee Dripper that prevents you from resting at campsites to heal but have the Toy Ornithopter.  You can use a bunch of potions to heal your way back towards full health.

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