
Friday, June 7, 2019

Endless Damaging Hand of Doom (Discard Deck)

Like it says.  This is a damaging, discard deck.

Requires the following relics and cards to setup.

Absolutely a requirement to do the damage from discarding.

Let's you start the turn by discarding your hand and then redrawing that many.  Depending on your hand size, that can be 15 to 45 points of damage immediately.

The most crucial card.  The upgraded version of this card does not Exhaust, making it repeatable.  You will need at least two, preferably three upgraded ones if possible.

How it works

  • Use the Gambling Chip to discard everything your don't need.  You'll need to keep Calculated Gamble, for example, and other cards that will either provide more cards (keep the hand cap in mind) or provide energy or benefits.
  • Play whatever you want from your hand.  I like to play Skewer (deal 7/10 HP X times) and zero cost cards before employing calculated gamble to discard.  Select those cards that give you advantage and then discard the rest.
  • Capitalize on your energy and keep discarding.
  • You can use this strategy with a small to medium sized deck to decimate a Boss in one turn.


  • You can gain access to multiples of Calculated Gamble by normal acquisition or use the Nightmare card to create three copies of it the next turn.
  • If you have access to IronClad cards, you can use the Dual Wield card to create one/two copies of it in your hand the same turn.
  • If you can't get an upgraded version of it, use the Exhume card to pull it back out of the Exhaust pile.  Or, if you have the Strange Spoon relic, you will only exhaust cards half the time and discard instead (doing another 3 points of damage).

Critical Silent Cards

  • Concentrate.    Allows you to discard three cards and gain two (2) energy.
  • Endless Agony.  Whenever you draw the card, it adds a copy.  This allows you to discard more cards or play them to increase damage.
  • Reflex.  When discarded, allows you to draw two more cards.
  • Sneaky Strike.  Provides three (3) energy when discarded.
  • Storm of Steel.  Discard your whole hand and replace it with Shivs.
  • Tactician.  Provides one (1) energy if discarded.

Helpful Silent Cards

  • Adrenaline.  Gain +1/2 energy.  Draw 2 cards
  • Acrobatics; draw 3 cards, discard 1 cards.
  • All out Attack - discard one card at random
  • Backflip -- Draw two cards
  • Choke - Does damage and when you play a card, that target takes 3 HP damage.
  • Dagger throw - gain 1 card, discard 1 card
  • Escape Plan.  Draw 1 card
  • Expertise.  To refill the hand back to six cards
  • Heal Hook -  Do damage, gain energy and card
  • Infinite blades - Add a bonus shiv each turn
  • Nightmare - Adds three copies into your hand the next turn
  • Predator.  Two cards the next turn
  • Prepared.  Zero cost and draw 1 card, discard 1 card
  • Survivor.  Discard 1 card
  • Unload - damage and discard all non-attack cards in hand
  • Well Laid Plans -- let's you retain cards (1/2)

Useful IronClad Cards

  • Anger -- duplicates to discard pile
  • Dual Wield -- duplicates a card 1/2 times
  • Evolve -- any status card lets you draw +1 card

Useful Defect Cards

  • All for One - pulls all zero cost cards from the discard pile into your hand
  • Creative AI - adds a random power card into your hand
  • Heatsinks - draw a bonus card when you play a power
  • Machine Learning -- draw a bonus card each turn
  • Overclock - draw two bonus cards
  • Skim - draw three cards
  • White Noise - add a random power into your hand

Useful Colorless Cards

  • Chrysalis - add three random skills to draw pile
  • Flash of Steel - draw one card
  • Impatience - draw two cards if no attacks
  • Jack of All Trades - add a random 1/2 color  cards to your hand each turn
  • Magnetism - add a random colorless card into your hand
  • Master of Strategy - Draw 3 cards
  • Metamorphosis - add three random attacks to draw pile
  • Thinking Ahead - Draw two cards, keep one and put one back on the draw pile
  • Transmutation - Add X random colorless cards into your hand that cost zero
  • Violence - Put 3 random attacks fro the draw pile into your hand

Relic Synergy

  • Bag of Preparation lets you start combat with two additional cards.
  • Dead Branch adds a random card to your when a card is exhausted.  Useful for those card you exhaust versus discard.
  • Enchiridion adds a power card into your hand at the start of combat.
  • Nilry's Codex lets you choose 1 out of 3 cards to add to your draw pile each turn.  Good for those times that you go beyond one turn.
  • Ninja Scroll lets you start a combat with 3 shivs.  
  • Toolbox puts a random colorless card into your hand at the start of combat.

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