
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Endless Block Silent Style (no relic requirement)


I've been throwing out a lot of strategies that require one or more relics, especially when it comes to block.  Let's talk about an approach that builds block for a Silent without relying on any relics.  Not that they won't help, I'm just not going to address Relics.  This will be a pure draw deck to build block instead.

The core to making this deck work is making proper selections to fill your deck.  And, having the fortitude to pass on a card that doesn't fit.  Key performance only happens when you pass on shit cards that are going to come up and no other options exist.

The Cards


This card is one of the prime, if not completely the prime card you need to select.  If it comes up, take it as a reward option.  


Blur lets you keep block from one turn to the next.  It also stacks.  That means you can play two, three or more blur cards and keep your block for that many turns.  That helps when you have a shit turn where you don't get block or a handful of dazed cards.

Using blur makes all your defensive cards more powerful.  Done properly, you can make your Block grow faster than your foe can do damage.

Its upgrade is provides more block, but should be balanced against other cards that have higher priority in upgrade order.


A key card and must to power up your deck.  Footwork provides 2/3 Dex and if you can grab multiples of it, do so.  Having a high Dex means every card that provides Block become that much more powerful.

I prefer to have at least  2 or 3 of these in my deck if possible.  If not, it becomes a target for the Nightmare card to make multiples of it.

Upgrade is a must.


The card has no downsides and it is almost a must like Blur.  It provides a bonus energy and a two card draw and then exhausts.

Not really recommended to upgrade this card.

Escape Plan

A solid favorite, right up there with Adrenaline.  It has no downsides, since it costs zero (0), provide a new card in its place and gives Block if you draw a skill.  It works strongly with After Image, helping to stack in Block.  

After Image

You might think this should be number one but Blur fits in this category because of its persistence ability.  After Image is one of two key defensive cards to build Block, since it provides bonus block for every card played.

Having more than one of these is encouraged, since gaining 2, 3, or more Block per card play can carry you when you get shit draws or bad hands.

The upgrade of this card makes it innate.  Given you want to play this card early, having it innate can be very useful.  It depends on your current innate setup.  Having more than a couple can throw off your beginning hand.


Gives you block and provides a draw for more cards.  Like all the bonus or draw cards, you will want to play this early, since the extra cards can change your strategy on the fly.

This one is okay to upgrade and should be upgraded ahead of normal defense cards.

Dodge and Roll

When combined with Blur, this provides Block across two turns, making it a nice addition to your hand.

This card is good to upgrade, providing 6 Block instead of 4 Block when you do so.


Deflect is strong card.  It costs zero and provides 4/6 Block.  It does wane in usefulness in late gain but stays consistently useful regardless.

Deflect is good to upgrade when you have a chance.  Upgrade this card ahead of normal cards and okay to upgrade selections.


You start with it and it costs zero (0), give it great synergy with After Image and the added benefit of reducing your opponent's attack capability.

Cloak and Dagger

Who can say no to getting Block and a Shiv to do damage?  No downsides with this card play and it works well with a companion zero-cost card hand.

If you use a zero-cost card hand, then upgrade this card pronto to gain the two extra shivs it provides.


This is a must card when you get the chance, right after Blur.  It allows you to play a skill twice and the next two skills after you upgrade it.  This means you can double up a ton of your Block cards, allowing you to stack Blur rapidly and take advantage of of other Block cards. It also counts for After Image.

Upgrade immediately.

Killing the Enemy

Block is cool but killing the enemy is what lets us progress.

Choose a Poison approach or a mass of zero-cost cards to put out damage combined with key draw cards.  Poison obviously works well with turtling up with Block and has less of a strain on your hand.


Given your will consistently play most or all of your hand, Panache can shine really nicely to add in extra damage when you hit that magical number of 5.


If you Block a lot and slice slowly at your foe, then Caltrops are the way to go.  Hitting them back for 3 HP damage (or more) when they hit you is very satisfying.

Upgrade these to take advantage of the upgrade to 5HP damage back.


I like Choke no matter what companion strategy I'm playing.  It does cost 2 energy but if mitigated lets all the cards you play have the added affect of doing even more damage, e..g, 3 HP damage when you play any card.

Upgrade it if you can to make this 5 HP but only after you have upgraded all necessary Block providing cards first.

Grade Finale

If you maintain a small deck size and manage your cards right, you can leverage this card to consistently do 50 HP damage to all enemies if you can have it in hand when your draw pile is at zero.

This works best if you also keep a Well Laid Plains card to keep one card in your hand (Grand Finale).

Not worth upgrading, but do so if you have upgraded everything else.

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