
Monday, June 10, 2019

Cyclic Healing by Potion

Requires the following two relics to be successful:

  • Use a potion, heal 5 HP.  
  • Combine with White Elephant to get a potion with each combat.  
  • Use Alchemize to create additional potions in combat.  


  • Repeatable and easy way to stay at max HP or recover HP during long fights or Boss battles.
  • One is from a Boss, best acquired by ACT I if possible.
  • The other is only purchasable via the merchant, so find him fast.

Event Synergy

  • The Lab event.  Provides three potions to fill your potion belt.
  • Note to yourself event.  Can be used to pass an Alchemize+ card to future runs.
  • Woman in Blue.  You must have 50 gold for this to happen.  Can purchase 1/2/3 random potions.
  • Neow will offer three potions as a starting bonus.

Relic Synergy

  • Potion Belt by providing two additional slots to carry potions.
  • Prismatic Shard to gain access to Silent cards if you are not playing the silent.
  • Cauldron will brew 5 potions on pickup for you to use.

Card Synergy

  • Dual Wielding will allow you to make a 1/2 copy(-ies_ of a card.
  • Nightmare will let you select a card and put three copies of it in your hand.
  • Burst will play the Alchemize card twice.  Upgraded version will affect two skills, letting you play two of them back to back to gather up four potions.l

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