
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Acid Slimes

The Acid Slimes

The Acid Slimes are monsters normally found on the first act.  The come in three sizes, much like their cousins, the Spike Slimes. The bigger each slime gets, the more dangerous it becomes, but they remain relatively easy to kill nonetheless. Acid slimes often come with other monsters, or in large groups.

Large Acid Slime

This is the biggest variation of acid slime, and                                  
therefore the most dangerous. It deals out
sizable amounts of damage, usually 16
at most. Like all slimes, it casts an
effect to shuffle Slimed cards into your hand.
This variation also inflicts Weak cards into your hand, proving to be a problem if left alone. To boot, this variation also has a unique trait it comes with, called Split (seen under the health bar).This trait causes it to preform an action titled "split" to save itself. If it succeeds, the slime will die and summon two Medium Acid Slimes, each with half its total health.

Medium Acid Slime

Only a small bit weaker than its relative, the
 Large Acid Slime, this variation is a common enemy
in the first act. At most, this slime does a mere 10 damage, proving itself do be an easy kill. Like its larger variation, it shuffles the effects Weak and  Slimed into your hand.  It doesn't come with any traits or anything like that. It can't even buff itself, dying quickly due to its low health.





Small Acid Slime

The weakest of acid slimes, this variation is barely able to do even a mere 3 damage. It  usually be killed with a combination of two
basic Strike cards, owing to its horribly low   health. Like its larger variations, it can shuffle Weak cards into your hand, as a small annoyance.
Overall, any player can kill this monster.

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