
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Magic Flower


Adds a 50% bonus to healing effects.  This is stronger than you might think, since it affects everything that provide healing during combat.


  • Affects also extend to Burning Blood. Blood Vial and other relics or effects that occur at the beginning or end of combat.
  • Includes healing effects from any source.

Relic Synergies

  • Bloody Idol.  Gaining gold provides 5 HP of healing, or 7 HP of healing with the Magic Flower.  You can get gold by the Hand of Greed card that allows you to kill foes and gain 20/25 gold.
  • Meat on the Bone.  When this kicks in to heal you at the end of combat, it healings 18 HP versus 12 HP.
  • Burning Blood.  Heals 6 HP at the end of combat.  Heals 9 HP with the flower.
  • Black Blood.  Heals 10 HP at the end of combat.  Heals 15 HP with the flower.
  • Blood Vial.  Heals 2 HP (3 HP) at the start of combat.
  • Pantograph.  At the start of boss combats, heal 25 HP + 50% more.
  • Bird Faced Urn.  Provides 2 HP / 3 HP when you play a power.
  • Lizard's Tail.  When you die, return with 50% HP.  Also affected by the Magic Flower effect, which provides 50% more of your 1/2 HP.

Card Synergies

  • Reaper card when used against multiple enemies.
  • Bandage is a zero cost card that provides 4/6 healing.
  • Bite card is one of the best combinations.  Does damage and heals without being exhausted.

Potion Synergies

  • Regeneration.  Five rounds of 50% more healing.


  • Acquire the Bird Faced Urn relic and stock your deck with power cards to take advantage of its 2 HP heal (3 HP with the Flower) when they are played.
  • If you have the Toy Ornithopter, you can take advantage of 5 HP heal (7HP with the flower) when you use a potion.  Further combined with the White Beast Statue means each combat will provide one potion.  Potion belt will raise the cap to 5 potions versus three.
  • Acquire a Hand of Greed card.  You will get not only gold but HP healing when you kill foes and turn them into money.  The card is repeatable, unlike the Feed card and can be used multiple times.
  • Use the Feed card and the strange spoon relic.   The spoon provides a 50% chance that the feed card will only discard versus exhaust.  

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